If you thought chucking paper planes around the office was entertaining, wait till you see this bug-like chopper in action. The world's smallest fully-functional RC 'copter is a triumph of aeronautical design, and it's so incredibly manoeuvrable you'll be performing desktop fly-bys before you can say "Noel Edmonds".Do you know the name of the fastest pheasant plucker in the world? No, neither do we. But we can tell you the name of the world's smallest, lightest, quietest, fully-functional RC helicopter: it's called the Micro Mosquito.Speaking of ornithology, the Micro Mosquito is currently ruffling feathers throughout the world of RC aviation, as it is one of the most incredible flying machines ever to take to the skies. Weighing in at a mere 15g, this bug-like indoor 'copter is so small it can take off and land in the palm of your hand. Amazing!Thanks to its counter-rotating blades the Mosquito is astoundingly manoeuvrable. Once you get the hang of its twin-toggle, digital proportional transmitter you'll be buzzing around like a pro pilot. Up, down, hover, forwards, backwards, left, right - you name it. We just landed ours on the boss's head having taken off from the water cooler. Try doing that in a proper chopper. (Don't, you might decapitate someone).Ready to fly in the smallest of spaces straight out of the box, the Mosquito is powered via a charger that doubles up as a launch pad. A 45 minute juice-up will give you a full seven minutes or more of flying time - enough to hover around the ceiling, fly by the coffee table and buzz past the telly. This innovative triumph of micro-engineering even features a pair of green glowing 'eyes' - perfect for putting the willies up the cat when night falls.
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