Internet radio rocks! Thousands of stations from around the world broadcasting every kind of show you could possibly think of - from jazz, bluegrass and gospel to death metal, indie and trance. And how about all those talk shows, college broadcasts and comedy stations. The choice is endless and growing all the time.The trouble is, in order to listen to all this marvellous ear-candy you need a computer. And who can be bothered lugging one of those around? Not us. That's why we love the Revo Pico WiFi Radio. This stylish, take-anywhere wireless is the world's first portable internet radio and automatically links to any broadband WiFi connection to stream both live and 'Listen Again' internet broadcasts.Better still it features a rechargeable battery ( up to 8 hours on one charge ), making it supremely portable. Listen in the garden, the bedroom, even the kitchen and bathroom - the splashproof Pico is genius. And if you do wander out of a WiFi zone, you can always listen to the Pico's built-in FM receiver. All right? Not arf!With no software to load the Pico is truly idiot-proof. Stations are listed alphabetically by country or music type, so you can listen to funk from Finland, rap from Rhode Island and Motown from, erm…Morecambe. It even downloads the latest station list every time you power up.
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